Monday, March 16, 2009

Thinking Like Your Prospect, And Why You Need to Do It!

Last week I had the opportunity to work with a large, well-known education brand to develop a demand generation strategy. One area of deep exploration was who do they sell to and how do these people buy. I think every marketer would agree that this is fundamental to any effective lead generation program. Yet, because marketing is at least one step removed from the actual prospect/customer and because thinking about online behavior is new, this is a challenging exercise to work through.

Here is what we did to help this company begin to sort this out. Please feel free to share how you have addressed this issue!

1. Develop a Persona Profile – this is not your typical marketing profile. We were looking for who they are, where do they go to get information, how they think, who do they talk to. The idea behind the persona is to understand them well enough so we can get them into the sales process WHEN THEY ARE READY. This is not about collecting marketing data.
Execution Idea: Have the cross-functional team (sales and marketing) who is creating the persona present their findings in ROLE of the persona. It’s fun and even more importantly, it’s easy to remember and associate!
Execution Idea: Do Not let a single word or phrase be anything but the prospect perspective. NO corporate language allowed.

2. Map the Decision Making Process – how does this persona make decisions, who do they talk to, where do they go? Based on where they are in their process, what kind of information helps them take a step closer to your solutions?
Execution Idea: Have the cross-functional team (sales and marketing) who is mapping the Decision Making Process use flip charts and think in big buckets of stages such as Realization (I realize I have a problem), Education (what kind of solutions are out there), etc.
Execution Idea: Stay in role!

3. Map the Life of a Lead in your company – this is the process of walking through all the steps you take a lead through from first contact to a piece of closed business to life cycle of the lead
Execution Idea: Make someone in the group “a lead” and have them walk through what happens to them from the first contact to being a closed piece of business – this is your “As Is” state

4. Define the Gaps between how the prospect makes a decision and how you process them from lead to close
Execution Idea: Use your flip charts from Steps 2 and 3

5. Develop the New Life of a Lead – this is your “To Be” state
Execution Idea: Re-write Step 3.

Working with very clear
personas in Step 1, helped this process be successful. Otherwise, it would have been all over the map!

What have you seen that works?

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