Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sourcing & Selecting a Marketing Automation Solution

Debbie Qaqish on Blog Talk Radio

Listen to the interview with Mary Gary of Fluke Networks as she talks about Sourcing and Selecting Marketing Automation - a fabulous interview filled with details you will want to hear. Once you get to the site, it is the Featured Episode. Also be sure to join us next week when we talk to Edwin Thompson from Brainshark.

1 comment:

k2colo said...


Talk about practicing what you preach! I just received your nurturing email for the "DG Essentials Series". AWESOME! I regularly sign up for different nurturing campaigns and this one is so spot on I had to reach out and congratulate you and your team. Excellent content, copy, and execution (even response/goal pages had nice touches). I look forward to the sessions in upcoming weeks.

Karl Kleinbach
(we've met a few times at OMS)