Thursday, August 13, 2009

Reminder - 3rd DG Essentials Series Interview Today!

Dear Fellow Marketer:

Remember to join me, Debbie Qaqish, at 1pm EDT, today on The DG Essentials Series - Real Live Stories. Real Life Results. I will be discussing lead scoring with Pam O'Neal, Vice President of Marketing at BreakingPoint on Blog Talk Radio.

Lead Scoring is such a "hot topic" today and Pam will share with us how she implemented lead scoring at BreakingPoint. I'm sure you will find the show very informative, as she describes how she got started with lead scoring, how she learned to experiment to get it right, and the wins and challenges she had along the way.

Here's how you can hear this interview on Blog Talk Radio:

Once you click on the Blog Talk Radio link from this email, the click Play/Chat option will appear as soon as the show begins. Click "Play" and have your computer speakers turned on to hear the live interview streaming over the internet. 

Note:  You do not dial a telephone number to hear the radio show. You will hear the audio 'STREAMING LIVE' over the INTERNET via your computer speakers.

This interview is part of the 12 Week DG Essentials Series and includes top Demand Generation Marketers talking about topics that are influencing today's business. Topics include:  

  • Using social media for demand generation 
  • Improving lead quantity and quality 
  • Using marketing automation and other Web 2.0 technologies 
  • Aligning sales and marketing 
  • Tracking and reporting on measurable results

The DG Essentials Series - Real Live Stories. Real Life Results. is a virtual, free, and live educational series!  

Join us, today!

Debbie Qaqish
The Pedowitz Group, The Demand Generation Agency

Follow me on Twitter: DebbieQaqish
Today's Blog: Lead Scoring De-Mystified


The Demand Generation Essentials Series
– Real Live Stories. 
– Real Life Results.

DG Definitions of the WEEK:

Lead Scoring – is a process using a marketing automation system that allows you to assign points to demographic data ( a C level title might get 10 points while a Director title might get 8 points) and implicit behavior ( visiting 10 pages on a specific solution on your website).  This point system is designed to identify when a prospect "raises their virtual hand" letting you know they would welcome a call from sales.  This is an MQL.

Demographic data - hard data that is pulled from CRM (title) or a form (# of emplpyees).  Part of the total lead score.
Behavioral data
- online behavior such as number of pages visited or the visit of a key web page.  Part of the total lead score.




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The Pedowitz Group
14162 Seabiscuit
Alpharetta, GA  30004

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