Monday, September 24, 2007

Lead Generation Strategies That Start With "N"

Today we look at lead generation strategies that begin with the letter "N": Newsletter: Everyone talks about it, but more often than not what starts off as an ambitious projects often ends up in the project file that no one has time for. Finding new content, editing and layout all compete for precious time. How can you use Web 2.0 to make it easier to publish and make your newsletter more compelling at the same time? Audio and Video feeds. It is much easier to grab your CXO or customer and do a 5-10 minute interview than it is to ask someone to sit down and write an article. In this way, you make your newsletter more interactive and you don't have to spend as much time writing. A quick post to YouTube and setting up a podcast feed via feedburner and you now have a syndicated newsletter to start driving demand to your website. Add a little creativity and you can turn your monthly video newsletter into a tv or radio show, complete with themes and supporting story lines. Networking: Instead of going to shows and being part of the masses, join the boards. Many of these organizations are starving for volunteers and would welcome your contribution. Have all of your sales and marketing people join at least one association in their area and serve on the board. Now at events, people will come up to you instead of the other way around. You will get much better leads this way. If you can't find a suitable group to join, start your own and make all the rules. How about running an online networking event? Social networking via community sites accomplishes this very well. Stay tuned for the letter O

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