Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lead Generation Strategies That Start With “H”

Today we look at Hosted Wiki’s.

What is a Wiki?

A wiki is a group-editable website. Wikis are composed of web pages you can write on, enabling fast and easy collaboration. It’s as easy to use as email. You might be familiar with, the online encyclopedia. Wiki’s allow users to have socially revelant and contextual conversations. How does this help you build demand for your products and services? Hosting your own wiki around relevant industry information allows professionals within your space to network and collaborate with each other around specific topics. When you host the wiki, you have access to that network and are also viewed as a thought leader. People that end up using your wiki will be much more highly qualified than someone that just fills out a form for more information on your website. There are a number of free wiki tools out there like, and They are easy to set up and maintain and are also highly optimized by the search engines. Consider staring your own wiki today.

1 comment:

LivingGarden said...


Excellent note. It might be useful to talk about social networking options such as corporate profiles on the social networking sites (e.g. Linked In), with recommendations. Also effective use of blogging.